The next few days could be critical for the outcome of a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said he will schedule a vote for next week on the defense authorization bill that contains provisions for repeal. He has also filed for “cloture”—a move to limit debate on the bill and prevent a likely filibuster led by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
A vote on the cloture motion will happen Tuesday. If that passes, the Senate would then move on to consider the bill.
Here’s what we need to do. Call your Senators now and ask them to support both the cloture motion and the repeal of DADT in the defense bill. You can phone the 24-hour Capitol switchboard at any time: (202) 224-3121. Leave a message on your senator’s voicemail if it’s after hours. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network has some tips for what to say.
I’ll also suggest you go read the New York Times editorial today on why President Obama should halt DADT discharges immediately. It lays out some very good arguments. And I’ll refer you back to my 2008 interview with an active-duty lesbian mom and her partner.
This isn’t just about supporting gay and lesbian servicemembers, however. As U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips wrote when she ruled DADT unconstitutional last week, “the effect of [DADT] has been, not to advance the Government’s interests of military readiness and unit cohesion, much less to do so significantly, but to harm that interest.” DADT jeopardizes our national security. Repealing it is the American thing to do.
Photo credit: U.S. Army
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