Halloween Open Thread

No, it’s not Halloween quite yet, but I thought it would be fun for us to share some holiday cheer.

Leave a comment with something related to Halloween—your kids’ (or your) costume choices, favorite costume from the past, favorite candy (dark chocolate Hershey’s Miniatures, me), favorite holiday recipe or craft, etc.

I haven’t tried them yet, but I’m thinking these Pumpkin Whoopie Pies look pretty tempting. . . .

4 thoughts on “Halloween Open Thread”

  1. Nine month old bumble-bee here…from her favorite page in her Dr. Seuss’s ABC book: “Big B, little b, what begins with B? Barber, baby, bubbles and a bumble bee”.

  2. Well, you beat me–I’ve only got one Harry.

    I love baby bumble bees, though. We never did that ourselves, but I’ve never seen one who wasn’t adorable.

  3. My 3yo picked out the Cat in the Hat, which I love, but it’s still a tossup if he’ll feel like putting the costume on for any parties. But he does like making jack-o-lanterns by putting stickers on mini pumpkins.

    As a kid I was Peter Pan for several years running, with Mary Martin as my fabulous role model.

    It’s funny how little kids love bees and the buzzing sound. A favorite with my son and niece is the bee story from Arnold Lobel’s “Mouse Soup” — much better with liberal sound effects. Of course when they’re older the presence of a bee within 100 yards causes mass panic.

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