What Do You Think of Valentine’s Day?

RosesTake our completely unscientific but perhaps slightly amusing poll.
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1 thought on “What Do You Think of Valentine’s Day?”

  1. Even worse than filling out 20 Valentine’s card is the fact that it seemed like the invitations were always sold in packs of 18 or 20, and my kid always had 21 or 22 classmates, so we’d have to buy two packages. (Until I rebelled, and we started doing things like gluing pictures of flowers cut out of the grocery store fliers onto index cards. It doesn’t take as long as you might think, especially if your kid then doesn’t bother to write anything on the index card except “from —“. And I think one year he didn’t bring anything in at all.)

    The nicest part for me this year is finally being able to shop for a card from the “wife” section.

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