Same-Sex Parenting: “The New Normal”

Parenting magazine has a great article in this month’s issue titled, “Meet the Same-Sex Parents Next Door.” It’s very much in the category I call “Lesbian Parenting 101,” i.e., aimed at non-LGBT people who may not have met or thought about LGBT parents before. But consider the venue—a leading mainstream parenting magazine—and it’s a terrific piece that we should all applaud.

Better yet, aside from the first commenter, all of the commenters have been extremely positive (and many chastise the first one for her homophobia). Yes, we’re making progress, folks. Slow, but progress.

On a minor note, I like that the subhead says (my emphasis), “Read one mom’s take on how gay parenting is becoming a part of America’s social fabric.” Nice that they don’t assume one lesbian mom speaks for all of us, despite the similarities of many of our experiences. The author calls same-sex parenting “the New Normal,” but clearly, normal doesn’t mean identical.

Go read.

2 thoughts on “Same-Sex Parenting: “The New Normal””

  1. This just made my day! Every small step toward equality and acceptance is so very important. The article was fabulous…and the response to the *one* homophobic commenter was equally inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Thank you Dana, for directing us to that piece. My sense of Parenting is that just this sort of “101” piece is what they &/or their presumptive audience is interested in. They’re taking baby steps, and I’m glad at least they’re taking them.

    What I got of it (several “pages” in, but not the whole thing) was really well-written. and I agree with Natalie above, the responses to the homophobic bile as the first comment were sincerely heartening. Especially the one by “mep,” 8 comments down from the first.

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