Stealing Lines from “Glee”: The Big Sex Talk

If you don’t watch Glee regularly, or missed it last Tuesday, get thee to the Fox Web site and watch it. Not only were there two—count ’em, two—queer storylines, but they were handled with a sensitivity and honesty that puts most other shows to shame. (If you don’t believe me, go read Dorothy Snarker’s perspective on the issue.)

What struck me most, however, was not the storyline about the two female characters, as good as that was, but the big “sex talk” between the openly gay Kurt and his dad. (It starts at about 32:20 in the video.) It should be transcribed and disseminated to parents and youth far and wide. While parts were specific to being gay (not in a physical way, but in dealing with the emotional aspects of two men in a relationship), much was more generally applicable, focusing on valuing oneself at the same time as one gets involved with others.

Now, I’m usually pretty good with words, but I never will know exactly what it’s like to be a man. And while I hope my son has good men in his life that he can turn to for that perspective, I also don’t want to delegate responsibility for having “the sex talk” to anyone else besides my spouse and me. Sure, other people may add their insights, but we’re his parents and we have to lead the way. I’m thinking that when it’s time to have that talk with him, I’m going to call up that Glee episode on whatever technology we’re using then, replay that scene once or twice, and crib a few lines.

Did anyone else watch the episode? What did you think? And for those of you who have talked with your kids about sex already, any advice for the rest of us?

3 thoughts on “Stealing Lines from “Glee”: The Big Sex Talk”

  1. I was in tears over both storylines. Kurt’s Dad is one of the greatest supporting characters in television history. I hope someone does transcribe and make available. It was beautifully written and tenderly acted.

    I also liked Santana rejecting a label and talking about a fluid sexuality. I’m curious where they will take this story.

  2. YES! I felt the same way! I thought, “file this away for a talk in about ten years.” Every kid (all along the spectrum of sexual and gender identity) should hear this message.

  3. I thought the episode was definitely one of those “must see” episodes. It’s so beautiful to finally see a representation of a straight dad who has such a loving and supportive relationship with his gay son. I was a weepy mess when I saw the one where he told Finn off for saying “faggie”.

    I also really appreciate that they are talking about how hard it can be for a kid coming out and trying to figure out sex and dating at the same time.

    The show may not be perfect but it’s so much better than what we’ve had before. Definitely warrants buying the DVDs.

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