Two pieces of LGBT parenting news from my town of Boston: On May 3, the Boston Public Garden’s famed swans return for the season. The birds, Romeo and Juliet, are in fact a pair of females who laid eggs and attempted to care for them together, as the Boston Globe reported, and I discussed, a few years back. The eggs were unfertilized, alas, and there was no friendly keeper like And Tango Makes Three’s Mr. Gramzay to give them a viable egg to hatch.
The 23rd Annual Return of the Swans begins at 11:30 a.m. in a day of entertainment that includes a brass band, face painters, and Boston Park Rangers reading Make Way for Ducklings—which, despite being about ducks, features the Public Garden Swan Boats.
And on a more explicitly LGBT note: In honor of Mother’s Day, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) is co-presenting a series of three films on LGBT parenting at the Boston LGBT Film Festival:
Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak tells the story of adoption from the parent’s perspective.
A Family Portrait shows the challenges that a couple faces in starting a family and raising their children.
Mama Mama, Papa Papa explores the issues around gay parenting in Switzerland from the perspective of both parents and children.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
2:30 pm
Museum of Fine Arts
Boston, MA
For tickets and more information visit
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