Thank You: Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011A very big thank you to all who participating in Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2011! It was a pleasure for me to see names both old and new—including some who have done this all six years now, as well as some who were new to the event, to parenthood, and even to being out.

We each have a unique story to tell, even as we share the common themes of love, family, and acceptance. I encourage you all to read through the posts and find inspiration, insight, and maybe even some new friends.

I will be reading through all the posts myself in the coming days (couldn’t get them all read yesterday and manage the event), and trying to pull out some quotes that caught my eye. You’ve submitted some amazing posts. But don’t wait for me—go read, comment, and enjoy!

Mark it on your calendars, too—same time, next year!

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