Same-Sex Parents: More than a Boom

Data from Census 2010 is slowly rolling in, state by state, and so far, it looks like about one quarter of same-sex couples are raising children, in states as diverse as Alabama, California, Hawaii, and Wyoming.

The diligent demographers at the Williams Institute of UCLA are doing the analysis; they have yet to release breakdowns by gender, race, age, or any other characteristics, but I would guess that that will be forthcoming.

I’ve deliberately avoided linking to an article that cites this data but uses the phrase “gayby boom.” The term “gayby boom” dates back to at least 1990—over 20 years ago.

That means gay parents are no longer a demographic “boom.” We’re more like cosmic background radiation after the Big Boom (Bang): persistent, and spread almost evenly in all directions.

1 thought on “Same-Sex Parents: More than a Boom”

  1. Nice analogy. And of course, nobody notices our existence until they specifically look for us.

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