Journalist Seeks Known Donors Involved “Part-Time” with Kids

I’m passing along this message in the hope some of you can help. Tim Murphy, a journalist in New York City, is doing an article on straight sperm donors who remain involved “part time” in the lives of the children. Please contact him directly (or pass this message along) if you or someone you know can assist him.

His message:

For the magazine Details, I am trying to do a story on straight men who sperm-donor to their family or friends and then play a “part-time” (or less) role in the raising of the child: limited responsibility yet limited rights and involvement. I am looking primarily for men under 50 who can talk about both the upsides and the downsides of “partial parenthood.”

Can you pass this around and help me in any way? I’d much appreciate it! I need to find a few good men in the next few days. I can be reached at ti****************@gm***.com.

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