What Are You Making or Eating This Thanksgiving?


It’s that time of year again, when we lesbian moms plan to roast turkeys, bake Tofurky, and roll our eyes at our relatives’ turkey baster jokes. What are you planning on cooking or doing for the holiday?

As I have for many years, I’ll be making my cranbanero sauce, which puts some habanero fire in the old standby.

And to open up the conversation a bit more, what recipe would you like to eat, but probably won’t make yourself? (I’m thinking this Root Vegetable Pot Pie with Cheddar Biscuit Crust by plantfoodfabulous over at BlogHer looks pretty tasty. It won’t be on our Thanksgiving table, but I may just have to try it some other time.)

2 thoughts on “What Are You Making or Eating This Thanksgiving?”

  1. I’m thankful to be planning dinner for 7 (me & my partner, 2 kids, and the kids’ aunt, cousin and godfather). We have a pretty traditional meal. Over the weekend, we’ll check out the holiday train show at the NY Botanical Garden.

    On the wish list — I love smoked turkey but don’t have the facilities to make it. I’d also like to try deep-fried turkey once, ideally made in somebody else’s kitchen!

    The veg. pot pie looks good too. I will definitely try that with drop biscuits on top.

    Have a great holiday!

  2. Thanks! You, too! I’m a traditionalist for Thanksgiving, too. Of course, I’d be just as happy to forego the turkey and simply have stuffing, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce.

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