December 2011

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Family Profiles Tigger, a lesbian mom, writes at Moms Rising about why “Without Unemployment Insurance, My Family Would Have To Choose Which Bills to Pay.” CBS Minnesota’s WCCO This Morning each week “[rewards] a hard-working, dedicated parent who loves what they do.” Last week, they chose lesbian moms Tara and Becky Lien—but the notable thing […]

Lesbian Moms and Daughters Confront Homophobic Mayor

Lesbian moms Amy and Tina and their two daughters stood up at a meeting of the Troy, Michigan City Council, and addressed Mayor Janice Daniels about her homophobic Facebook comments in as classy a manner as I’ve ever seen. “We wanted to show up today to give you just a look at our family,” Amy said. Definitely

Lesbian Moms: Building Character Since 1979

Last Thursday, I asked, “Does having lesbian moms—or other LGBT parents—affect one’s character?” Lawyer Nancy Polikoff left a comment that I thought was worth promoting up into a post. She mentioned that in the 1979 lawsuit M.P. v. S.P., an appeals court reversed a lower court ruling that had removed custody of children from their

Weekly Political Roundup

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech that focused on the human rights of LGBT people—a speech that some LGBT advocates are already calling a “landmark.” Supporters of anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people in Anchorage, Alaska, appear to have collected enough signatures to put the measure on the April city ballot. The U.S. Ninth Circuit

Does Having Lesbian Moms Affect One’s Character?

Does having lesbian moms—or other LGBT parents—affect one’s character? Opinions are mixed, but not just between left and right. Iowa college student Zach Wahls, in his twice-viral video, famously said, “The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero impact on the content of my character.” And a University of Virginia study last year concluded what many

How Young Is Too Young? Kids Speaking Out for Equality

Many of you may have already seen the video of the eight-year-old son of a lesbian mom, who confronted presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, telling her, “my mommy’s gay but she doesn’t need fixing.” The remark seemed to have flustered Bachmann. But gay dad and columnist Dan Savage writes that, “We shouldn’t use our kids like

“Let us be on the right side of history”: Secretary Clinton on LGBT Rights

President Obama today, International Human Rights Day, issued a presidential memorandum “directing all agencies engaged abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance promote and protect the human rights of LGBT persons.” In coordination, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech today that focused on the human rights of LGBT people—a speech

“Pregnant Butch” Takes a Comic Look at Pregnancy and Gender

You’re probably saying, “What would make this Monday morning just perfect is a new comic about a pregnant butch lesbian.” What? You’re not? Well, you should be. Go check out A.K. Summers’ new comic/graphic tale, “Pregnant Butch” over at comic collective site Act-i-vate. It’s a funny, insightful, semi-autobiographical look at “a butch dyke enduring that

The Power of Storytelling — and Retelling

At first, I ignored it when I saw a few people posting the Zach Wahls video again over the past few days. The Iowa college student with two moms had shot to viral fame last February when he spoke at an Iowa House hearing about a bill to ban marriage for same-sex couples. I’d posted

World AIDS Day: Remembering the Children

Today marks World AIDS Day. HIV/AIDS continues to impact many people we know and many communities of which we are part. Since so many other LGBT sites are ably covering how it impacts the LGBT community, I want to do what I have done in previous years, and highlight some recent statistics about HIV/AIDS and

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