LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’m doing a parenting roundup today instead of my weekly political roundup, since most of the political stories this week are about the Republican primaries, and you can get your fill of that elsewhere.

  • An Iowa court ordered the state’s Department of Public Health to issue a birth certificate for a two year-old child born to a married same-sex couple in 2009, listing both women as her parents. I covered the earlier part of the case in November for Keen News Service.
  • Mentioned a couple of days ago, but worth noting again:  a Florida court has ruled in a custody case involving two lesbian moms and said both women are the legal parents of the child they raised together. One woman provided the egg; the other carried the embryo.
  • (From December, but skipped over the holidays.) Virginia’s Board of Social Services approved new adoption rules that allow them to discriminate against prospective parents on the basis of gender or family status, among other characteristics.
  • The New York Times discusses Catholic bishops who have stopped their adoption services rather than place children with lesbian and gay parents.
  • WearingMascara at BlogHer discusses why she, a straight woman and nationally certified school psychologist, supports gay parents. It’s a great read.
  • Another good read is this Fox News piece (yes, Fox News) by an evangelical Christian mom about her path to accepting her lesbian daughter. (Thanks to Renna Communications for the link.)
  • (Not a parenting story per se, but could have an impact on families with kids, too.) House leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has helped win a two-year stay against deportation for a gay bi-national couple.
  • (Not exclusively gay or parenting-related, but still of interest.) The U.S. Department of Justice has changed its definition of rape to include male victims.
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