How Have Your Kids Responded to Questions About Their Family?

Most LGBT parents, I suspect, wonder what will happen the first (or the second, or the tenth…) time their children get asked questions about their family, such as, “How can you have two moms [two dads]?” I wrote about my own experience with this a few years back—and yesterday, Mom1 over at 2 Moms 2 Boys wrote about hers.

This was soon followed on my Twitter feed by Els Kushner noting her kids’ snappy response, “Well, why do you have a mom & a dad?” and MommieV saying, “Would love to see how single/choice moms handle similar.”

So have at, folks. I know many of you have similar stories and questions, and I hope you’ll share in the comments. (You can just leave a link to your blog post if you’ve written about it before.)

Happy Thursday!

4 thoughts on “How Have Your Kids Responded to Questions About Their Family?”

  1. my daughter is in grade one and the other day she faced this question for the first time. i’m really interested in hearing others’ responses!

  2. According to my son (3.5 years old) the following conversation occured at pre-school yesterday:
    Friend #1: Do you have a dad?
    My son: No
    Friend #2: Do you have two moms?
    My son: Yeah. I guess I’m pretty lucky.
    Friends #1 and #2: Yeah!
    Friend #2: Do they both make chocolate chip cookies?
    My son: Yep.
    Friend #2: You ARE lucky!

    I realize, of course, that it won’t always be this easy. But I’m holding onto this one with both hands for now :)

  3. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog in your post. I have just started to talk about our family online and your support means the world to me. Your blog has helped me for YEARS!!

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