What Are You Looking Forward to This Summer?

Photo credit: Lykaestria

It’s my son’s last week of school before vacation, and I’m thinking about our summer plans, so I thought I’d ask the rest of you what you’re looking forward to this summer. Anyone taking any trips? Starting (or finishing) any home improvement projects? Sending the kids to camp?

This will be the first summer I’m balancing outside employment and parenting, which will be an interesting exercise. (I’m doing a mix of camps, time with family, and perhaps a few days of bringing my son into the office with me.) I’m also trying to figure out how I can rig all our household computers and TVs so I can watch multiple Olympic events at the same time. (Yes, I’m one of those fans.) I’m also looking forward to the release of Disney’s Brave next week—but I suppose that as a curly-haired redhead, my affinity for heroines with curly red hair isn’t surprising.

How about you?

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2 thoughts on “What Are You Looking Forward to This Summer?”

  1. Too fun! Nine-year-olds are awesome in their own ways, but there is a certain cuteness about the threes, isn’t there?

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