Happy 7th Birthday, Mombian!

Photo credit: xsomnis

Seven years ago today, roughly two years after the birth of my son, I published my first post here at Mombian. In it, I said the blog was “dedicated to providing relevant, useful, and just plain fun reading for lesbian moms.” I hope I’ve succeeded.

Thanks to all of you—lesbian moms and otherwise—who have stopped by here to read, comment, and share your thoughts. We are diverse in our approaches to parenting, but united by our desire to make a better world for our children.

I can’t believe how the time has flown—I must be having fun. Hope you are, too. Thanks for being along for the ride.

5 thoughts on “Happy 7th Birthday, Mombian!”

  1. I wouldn’t want to look at an internet that didn’t have Mombian in it. Dana, I found you and this blog not so very long after you started it, and it has been an invaluable touchstone and resource. I really don’t know what else would be helping inform and knit us together so well. Thank you so very much. Many MANY happy returns on the day.

  2. I wouldn’t want to look at an internet that didn’t have Mombian in it. Dana, I found you and this blog not so very long after you started it, and it has been an invaluable touchstone and resource ever since. I really don’t know what else would be helping inform and knit us together so well. Thank you so very much. Many MANY happy returns on the day.

  3. Happy Birthday, Mombian!!! Dana bless you for your efforts. Cynical old drag queen that I am, I’m proof that your blog reaches more than just Lesbian moms. I’ve looked to your work for the past three years for insight, inspiration and solace – and I thank the Gods for your success.

  4. Thanks so much, everyone! I’m inspired by your blogs, tweets, comments, and mere presence in the blogosphere more than you know.

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