Hey, Right-Wing: Here’s How to Stop Gay Sex

I’ve long said that if the right-wing really wants to put an end to gay sex, they should be encouraging us to become parents. Now, there’s proof.

U.S. News (via Towleroad) reports on a study out of San Francisco State University, and published in Couple and Family Psychology, a journal of the American Psychological Association. Among gay male parents, as among straight parents, parenthood means less sex and less sexual satisfaction, the researchers found.

Lesbian moms were not part of the study. One might think, given the “lesbian bed death” cliché, even among non-parent lesbians, that we don’t need a study to predict the effect of parenthood on lesbian sex. But the jury is still out on whether LBD is real or not, so I say it may be a function of how soundly our kids sleep.

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