We lesbian moms sure have made our mark. The day after I posted about Roberta Achtenberg being selected as an LGBT History Month Icon, lawyer Mary Bonauto was named one as well. Bonauto is best known as the lead counsel in the historic case that won same-sex couples the right to marry in Massachusetts.
As Civil Rights Project Director at Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), Bonauto is continuing the battle for equality by spearheading two cases challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act. She lives in Portland, Maine, with her partner of 23 years and their twin daughters. With the DOMA cases possibly headed for the U.S. Supreme Court, we’ll likely hear much more about her in the future.
3 cheers for Roberta!!
There are some people who have left their foot print on this earth and she is definitely one of them. She is the type of person we could all aspire to be.