The Boy Scouts of America are an anti-gay organization. They don’t allow gay scouts—even ones about to get their Eagle awards. They expel gay dads and lesbian moms who are leading their children’s dens and troops. But not all Scout leaders agree with the national policy, and some are speaking out.
The Boston Globe reported last week that several leaders, packs, and troops in Massachusetts have issued statements in opposition to the policy. Thirty-eight parents of one pack wrote, “Pack 12 has taught us that being a scout means being inclusive, supportive, and standing up for what you believe in. We do not and never will discriminate on the basis of race, religion or sexual orientation.”
I have to wonder where the tipping point is, when enough local units reject the policy that the national organization will be forced to change. I don’t think it will be terribly soon, unfortunately—but I think we’re seeing steps towards it. Kudos to the parents and leaders above for showing what true scouting values are all about.