Gay Penguin Dads to Form Support Group

Photo credit: Ard Joungsma / Odense ZOO

Well, no. But the pair of male penguins that just hatched an egg together in Denmark makes the fourth such couple, by my count. At the very least, they should all get together and have brunch while the chicks swim. (Maybe they’ll even invite the gay flamingos.)

The other three penguin pairs are the famed Silo and Roy of the Central Park Zoo in New York, as depicted in the wonderful picture book And Tango Makes Three; Guido and Molly of the East London Aquarium in South Africa; and Z and Vielpunkt of Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany. (See my earlier post.)

I’m not aware of any female penguins raising chicks together, although a pair of swans here in Boston seems to want to give it a try.

This seems the perfect delightful news to end a week otherwise dominated by politics. Happy weekend to you and all your chicks!

(Thanks to BuzzFeed for the heads up.)

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5 thoughts on “Gay Penguin Dads to Form Support Group”

  1. Awww! There are a pair of female swans in Sackville, NB too! They’ve been trying to hatch their own little one for a few years now.

  2. Pingback: M’s Book Report: Waiting for Baby Book Collection 2012 « GNOME AND FAIRY

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