January 2013

Lesbian Mom Named One of “Best Parents of 2012”

Parenting magazine has named lesbian mom Jennifer Tyrrell one of its “Best Parents of 2012.” The Ohio mom has been speaking out since April when the Boy Scouts of America told her that because of her sexual orientation, she could no longer serve as the den leader of her son’s Cub Scout chapter.

France’s First Baby of 2013 Has Lesbian Moms

Wow. I take a New Year’s vacation with my family for a few days (about which more later), and look what happens: The first baby born in France in 2013 has lesbian moms.


College Students with LGBTQ Parents Wanted

I’m posting a call to participate in a study about college students who have LGBTQ parents but are not LGBTQ themselves. I’m not involved in it myself, and don’t know the researcher, but heard of this through reputable channels. Please pass along as you see fit!

Newtown, CT

We Must Not Forget: A Guest Post from My Mom

Yesterday, I posted my column about the December 14th school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Today, I’m honored to bring you a guest post from my own mother, who had her own thoughts and offered to share them here. Some of our thoughts (not surprisingly) overlap, but she adds her own perspective as a mental health professional.

Thanks, Mom!

Newtown, CT

In the Wake of Tragedy

(I wrote this for my newspaper column the day of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. I hope 2013 is the year we as a country begin to take serious steps to ensure such tragedies never happen again.)

This was going to be a very different column. Then 20 children died in Connecticut.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013! I don’t know about you, but for me, 2012 zipped by at a faster than usual clip. I’m hoping 2013 takes a more leisurely pace, allowing us to relax, enjoy, and savor all of the sweet moments it brings.

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