We in the LGBT parenting blogger community write often about bringing children into our families. We don’t often write about having them leave us. Timaree and Jodi, however, posted yesterday of the loss of their son, Caemon, who had been fighting a rare form of leukemia. My heart goes out to them.
Timaree and Jodi have been writing at their blog C is for Crocodile about Caemon’s struggle with leukemia. I first came to know them (virtually) several years ago when they were still trying to conceive.
A member of my extended family lost a young child to cancer several years ago. My father died of cancer a year and a half ago. As awful as these events were, I still cannot fathom the grief of losing a child of one’s own. I know that little will assuage the pain, but I hope you will consider leaving a comment at Timaree and Jodi’s blog to let them know we hold them in our thoughts.
Thanks to Casey of Life with Roozle whose post first alerted me to Caemon’s passing.