Join Me in Philly This Weekend!

Photo credit: Rdsmith4

I’m off to the City of Brotherly (and Sisterly) Love this weekend for the 2013 LGBT Media Journalists Convening. The theme of the event is “coalition building,” and we’ll be discussing topics such as aging, immigration, race relations and the labor movement. Amidst the serious stuff, however, will also be some partying, and you’re invited.

Specifically, there will be a Saturday night meetup for both event attendees and local readers at Tavern on Camac (243 S. Camac St.) at 9 p.m. Everyone is welcome. (Drop me a note if you plan to be there!)

You can also follow the weekend’s events through the Twitter hashtag #LGBTmedia13.

The event is made possible through a grant from the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, administered by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, and organized by Bil Browning, founder and editor-in-chief of The Bilerico Project.

Matt Foreman, Director of Gay and Immigrant Rights Programs for the Haas Fund, explained, “LGBT newspapers and blogs are not only critical sources of information for our community, they also drive public opinion and action. The annual convening for LGBT editors and bloggers gives these thought leaders the chance to get in-depth information about leading issues of the day, such as immigration reform, and to get to know one another.”

Hope I’ll have the opportunity to get to know some of you this weekend, too!

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