March 2013

DOMA and Parenting: Game On

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments March 26 and 27 in two cases challenging the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Parenting plays a key role in the arguments, as I explained in my latest newspaper column, below. In the week or so since I wrote it, however, even more briefs have been submitted to the court in support of parenting by same-sex couples. Marriage equality advocates have taken the opposition’s arguments apart, piece by ridiculous piece. (Arguments, I should add, that are as insulting to adoptive and other “non-traditional” straight families as they are to gay and lesbian families.)


Gay, Lesbian, Straight Adoptive Families More Similar Than Different

A new study from the U.K. found that gay and lesbian adoptive families are as successful as straight ones—another piece of “we could have told you that” research, perhaps, but nevertheless invaluable for convincing those who need further convincing about these things.

Today You Are You: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss is great for teaching kids to read—but he’s even better, I think, at conveying lessons of inclusion, acceptance, and self-confidence. If more people took those lessons to heart as they learned to read (or taught their kids), the world would be a better place.

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