The Best Parental Advice You’ll Hear All Week

The best parental advice I’ve heard this week is not LGBT specific, but still speaks directly to who I am as a lesbian mom, a self-proclaimed nerd, and the mother of one. An attendee at the recent Calgary Comic Expo asked actor, writer, and dad Wil Wheaton (of Star Trek:TNG fame) to give some advice to her infant daughter (to be recorded for later viewing) on “Why it’s awesome to be a nerd.” Wheaton’s response is empowering and inspiring, not only for nerds, but  for any of us who have ever felt like our interests—and our loves—were outside the mainstream. Share this one with your kids.

“It’s not about what you love, it’s about how you love it,” Wheaton says. “Don’t ever let anybody tell you that that thing that you love is a thing that you can’t love. Don’t ever let anyone tell you, ‘You can’t love that, that’s for boys. You have to love this because you’re a girl.’ You find the things that you love, and you love them the most that you can.”

That’s only a taste. Here’s the rest:

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