Parenting Is Love (and a Little Nagging)

There was so much good stuff going around for Mother’s Day that I neglected to share this great one-minute video from The Righteous Conversations Project, which brings together Holocaust survivors and teens to speak up about injustice. The video isn’t about the Holocaust, though; if anything, it’s about parental nagging in the age of social media—and how two-mom families aren’t so different from others. It comes via Keshet, the organization for LGBT inclusion in Jewish life, but I think it speaks to a commonality of many families.

Keshet has also recently launched the Keshet Parent & Family Connection, a confidential peer-support program for parents and family members of LGBTQ Jews, from secular to Orthodox. Parent and family-member mentors provide support by phone, e-mail, video chat, or in person for others dealing with any stage of a family member’s coming out process, and for young adults who are struggling with how to come out to parents and family.

Religion is often seen as an opposing force to LGBT equality—but we should not forget the variety of religious beliefs on the subject, nor the desire of many people to maintain both their LGBT and faith identities. Great to see programs like this.

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