May 2013

Happy Motherz Day

The New Yorker’s terrific cover this week shows two moms reading a card while their children peek from the next room. Artist Chris Ware explained his thinking behind the image in a blog post titled “Happy Mothers’ Day.” That should come as no surprise; the magazine ran a cartoon in 2011 in which a girl with two mothers explains to her teacher how she punctuates the holiday. But as I pointed out then, “Mothers’ Day” doesn’t necessarily reflect all lesbian moms.

Cat Cora’s Banana Yogurt Split with Berries and Coconut

Here’s the last of three recipes that Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora has created for Residence Inn by Marriott (as I explained Tuesday)—a dessert, appropriately: Banana Yogurt Split with Berries and Coconut.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Here are some of the stories I haven’t posted about separately—and they’re all happy ones this week, so enjoy!

How 12 Two-Mom Families Are Celebrating Mothers’ Day and Motherhood

In honor of Mothers’ Day, Freedom to Marry has asked 12 two-mom families to talk about how they are celebrating the holiday, what being a mother means to them, and what marriage means to their family (whether or not they are currently married). There are couples with infants (one only a month old!), and ones

Cat Cora’s Spicy Chicken, Tangerine and Shiitake Stir Fry

As I mentioned yesterday, Iron Chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora has been named “Resident Mom Of The Year 2013” by Residence Inn, and has developed three unique recipes that parents can easily create while staying at a Residence Inn (or at home). Here’s the second one: a Spicy Chicken, Tangerine and Shiitake Stir Fry. (I’m guessing it works well with tofu instead of chicken, too.)

Give OUT to LGBTQ Nonprofits Today!

Today is the first national Give OUT Day, an event to encourage people to make charitable donations on a single day in support of the LGBTQ community. Any day is a good day to give, of course, but doing so en masse like this helps show the power of our community and allies.

Iron Chef (and Lesbian Mom) Cat Cora Is Residence Inn’s “Resident Mom Of The Year 2013”

Last fall, I wrote about my night at the Residence Inn, courtesy of Residence Inn by Marriott, which was reaching out to blogging parents for feedback and ideas. I mentioned the company’s LGBT friendliness—a friendliness they’ve reinforced by naming chef and lifestyle entrepreneur Cat Cora their “Resident Mom Of The Year 2013,” and by mentioning “She resides in Santa Barbara, CA, with her wife and four sons” in their press release about it. There’s more, plus a recipe by Cora, after the jump.

Send a “Mama’s Day” Card to Celebrate All Families

Strong Families, which aims “to change the way people think, feel and act in support of families,” has once again launched its annual Mama’s Day Our Way campaign of free e-cards, celebrating families of color, LGBT families, immigrant families, multi-racial families, young families, and single parent families.

Victory for Lesbian Moms in Iowa!

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) must provide an accurate two-parent birth certificate to any child born to married lesbian parents in Iowa. Same-sex couples have been able to marry in Iowa since April 2009—but the IDPH has refused to recognize both members of a same-sex couple as parents of children born to them. They can do so no longer.

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