LGBT Parenting Roundup – Fathers’ Day Edition

roundup_200I’m usually pretty focused on moms here at Mombian, but I had a dad myself, I have a son who may someday be one, and I’m happy to acknowledge anyone who takes on the title and is celebrating this weekend. Herewith, a roundup of some great stories about dads—including ones about gay dads from a few sites you might not usually frequent, as well as a lovely video.

  • Freedom to Marry has gathered a passel of gay dads to share how they’re celebrating Father’s Day this year. (Are you curious about the pig? I’m curious about the pig.)
  • AM New York has another passel of ’em. (Gay dads, not pigs.)
  • OutServe magazine profiles Marshall and Zachary Evans-Nethers and their two daughters, Taylor, 11, and Emma, 6. Marshall volunteers for the magazine and is working on a doctorate while Zachary is a Captain in the U.S. Army.
  • At Keshet, Gay dad Gregg Drinkwater offers a thoughtful look at passages in the Torah that seem to acknowledge or leave room for same-sex parents, both mothers and fathers. An interesting read for those of any faith, especially those that use the Old Testament.
  • New York Times advice columnist Stephen Petrow offers suggestions to a gay dad wondering how to respond to nosy questions like, “Where is your son from?” Good advice for many of us lesbian moms, too, as well as adoptive parent of all orientations.
  • Paul-David Perry, the biracial adopted son of two White dads, writes at Ed., the magazine of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, about race, class, privilege, and what inspired him to choose a career in education. (I mentioned this in a post the other day, but it’s worth a repeat.)
  • Gay dads Kent and Diego Love-Ramirez attended the White House Father’s Day reception on Friday, invited because of their volunteer work with the Family Equality Council (FEC). The event was especially meaningful, Kent told the Lansing State Journal, because only one of them can be the legal parent in their home state of Michigan. (Via HuffPo Gay Voices.) Tommy Starling and Jeff Littlefield, also part of the FEC community, were at the event as well; you can see a photo of all four dads and their kids on the FEC Facebook page.
  • The Grio  has a nice article on Karamo Brown, one of the stars of MTV’s The Real World: Philadelphia, and a single gay dad with two sons.
  • On a similar single-parent note, single gay dad Seth Goren writes at Jewesses With Attitude about “hot dads” and “beauty privilege.” (He also gets the award for funniest line this week: “True, being a single gay Jewish dad in a relatively gay-less and Jewishly deprived region occasionally makes me feel like an exotic animal at a religious petting zoo or some interactive exhibit at a sexual orientation museum.”)
  • The Grio also showcases Mark Maxwell and Timothy Young, who are spearheading the fight for marriage equality in their home state of North Carolina while raising their four teen boys. Mark is also working on his doctorate, with a dissertation on the impact of North Carolina’s second-parent adoption policy on same-sex couples who adopt children from foster care. Maxwell and Young have shared their story as part of a joint campaign between Freedom to Marry and the Campaign for Southern Equality. Watch below.

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