July 2013

Post of the Week - Mombian

Post of the Week: “Community Means a Lot of Things”

I read “Community Means a Lot of Things” at Outrunning the Storm and knew it had to be a Post of the Week. The author writes of trying to find a supportive community and role models for her son, who is autistic, and the parallels with her experience as a lesbian.

Outspoken Children of LGBT Parents Speak Out

Yes, it’s Monday, but watch this inspiring video featuring adults with LGBT parents, and it just might get you through the day. (Then you can watch fictitious children with two moms on The Fosters tonight, and be cheered yet again.)

Black and White

Thinking of Trayvon — and Trying to Listen

Like many, I am deeply saddened and disturbed by the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. My wish now, in the aftermath of the verdict, is that we as a country use this as an opportunity to build bridges, not barriers.

Moms Fighting for ENDA

Marriage equality isn’t the only area where moms have been in the news this week pushing for LGBT equality. Two Ohio mothers with LGBT children are leading a campaign asking parents and relatives of LGBT people to encourage their senators to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

Lesbian Moms Again in Forefront in New Round of Marriage Cases

The past couple of weeks have seen a new round of progress in several marriage-equality lawsuits—and just as with the cases that brought down the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8, lesbian moms are again in the forefront, along with a number of gay dads. Two of the cases (in Michigan and North Carolina) even began as challenges to state bans on second-parent adoptions, and later evolved into marriage-ban challenges as well.

More Evidence: Having Same-Sex Parents Is Unrelated to Child Adjustment

Yet another study has confirmed what many of us already know: having same-sex parents doesn’t predict how well-adjusted a child will be. This new study is notable, however, for looking at adopted children who were placed in their adoptive homes at a very young age.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Lots of good stuff lately that I haven’t covered elsewhere, starting with a few pieces from the perspective of adults with gay and/or lesbian parents.


Progress and Problems: Family Diversity in the Media

I write a lot about LGBT representation in children’s media. But as a number of sources have made clear recently (and many of us can attest personally), children’s media needs to do a better job representing families that are diverse in many dimensions.

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