Travel for LGBT Families: Ideas, Ideas, and More Ideas

TwitterParty_403Miss the Twitter party on travel for LGBT families a few weeks ago? It was an hour of non-stop stories and ideas — so much so that one of the hashtags was trending for some time. The Residence Inn team has recapped it on Facebook; Traveling Mom has culled some of the many responses to each question; and The Advocate has recapped it as well. Check them out for ideas to make your next trip a great one!

Thanks to panelists Lori Holden of LavenderLuz, Vikki Reich of Up Popped a Fox, Brent Almond of Designer Daddy, Deb Rox of Deb on the Rocks, Casey Carey-Brown of Life with Roozle, and Emily Hecht-McGowan and Kim Simes of the Family Equality Council, as well as everyone who participated by tweeting or just listening in.

By way of further travel tips, here are some useful resources from the U.S. State Department for LGBT folks traveling abroad.

  • The LGBT Travel Information page offers travel advice of particular interest to LGBT travelers.
  • Country Specific Information is just that — but note that the “Special Circumstances” section for some countries will include information on LGBT rights and concerns.
  • The Intercountry Adoptions page includes information for prospective adoptive LGBT individuals or couples.

Happy travels! And if you have further suggestions or questions on travel, please leave a comment!

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