Share Your Family’s Holiday Card with Governors of Anti-Equality States

holiday_cardThis holiday season, GLAAD is organizing a campaign to help both LGBT families and allies send a copy of their family’s holiday card to the governors of anti-equality states, with a note saying that all families should be treated equally. It’s a great idea that could have a big impact.

Pop over to the GLAAD site to find a handy list of the postal addresses, e-mail addresses, and Twitter handles of the governors of all 34 states that do not have marriage equality.

There’s even a sample message you can use (though you’re welcome to create your own):

This holiday season, my family will be celebrating alongside our friends and neighbors. But we look forward to the day when all families will be able to celebrate equally. Please support marriage for all loving couples. Happy holidays.

At the risk of complicating the message, I’d add “and support adoption, and foster care equality for all loving parents” when writing to the governors of states that don’t treat LGBT people equally in that regard, either. (You can check the Movement Advancement Project’s nice maps to see the status of  your state. I like the “Table Format” tab myself.)

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