This post is all about our kids. First and most practically, COLAGE, the national organization for people with LGBTQ parents, has launched the KidSafe blog, an online safe space “to document the struggles, rewards and experiences that come along with having one or more LGBTQ parent.” Read on to learn more, along with a few additional recent tidbits about those with LGBTQ parents.
KidSafe is a project of COLAGE’s Youth Advisory Board of kids ages 12-18. They “provide a wide range of viewpoints, family structures, sexual and gender orientations, racial identities, physical/cognitive abilities, likes and dislikes.” I look forward to reading what they have to say, especially since my 10-year-old son will be entering that age range pretty soon. (If there’s one thing The Fosters has taught me, it’s that we all need to be prepared for our kids’ teen years.)
In somewhat related news, actor Robert De Niro is making an HBO documentary about his father, Robert De Niro, Sr., who was part of the post-World War II group of New York painters that included Jackson Pollack and Lee Krasner. The film reveals that De Niro, Sr. left De Niro’s mother when he realized he was gay, reports the Hollywood Reporter.
And on a lighter note, BuzzFeed’s Claire Pires offers her perspective on “22 Things You’ll Understand If You Were Raised By Two Moms.” Based on the feedback about this piece on COLAGE’s Facebook page, these aren’t universal truths — but they should make you chuckle.  (#13: “You put the toilet seat down in restrooms now because it was never up in the house.”)
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