Take Action Against Arizona Bill Legislating Discrimination

arizona_flagThe Arizona legislature passed a bill last Thursday that would allow businesses to refuse to serve or hire people based on “sincerely held” religious beliefs. The bill doesn’t mention LGBT people, but since its introduction, it has been clear that it was meant to target us. The bill could also be used to refuse services or employment to people of different genders, faiths, or other characteristics. Gov. Jan Brewer (R), a staunch conservative, has until Friday to decide whether to sign it. Here’s what you can do to try and stop her, regardless of where you live.

  • If you live in Arizona: Send an e-mail directly to Gov. Brewer, or call her office at 602-542-4331 and tell her to veto SB 1062 because it will harm Arizona’s families and businesses.
  • If you do not live in Arizona: Sign this petition encouraging her to veto the bill.
  • No matter where you live: Visit this page, where Scott Wooledge has compiled a list of Arizona’s biggest companies, their stance on the bill, and links to their press pages, where you can drop them a note asking them to protest the bill.

Lawmakers in both parties, including former presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R), are now urging Brewer to veto, as Zack Ford rounds up for us at ThinkProgress. Business groups are also urging a veto, as is the National Football League, which had planned to hold next year’s Super Bowl near Phoenix.

Religious freedom is all well and good — but it is not freedom when it impinges upon the rights and equality of others.

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