Off to the White House Easter Egg Roll!

eggrollI’m very excited. My family and I got tickets to the White House Easter Egg Roll this year, so we’re heading down to D.C. this weekend for the chance to tumble ovoids around the president’s lawn.

Will we actually get to meet the President or First Lady? They’re always at the event at some point, but the odds that they’ll be there during our time slot and that we’ll be in the right location among the crowd are slim. Frankly, though, I’m just as interested in seeing the crowd, a broad slice of America taking part in one of our country’s oldest traditions. (This year marks the 136th Egg Roll.) We’ll be right there among them, doing our small part for LGBTQ family visibility. (And we won’t be the only ones — Melanie and Vanessa Alenier, one of the plaintiff couples in the lawsuit for marriage equality in Florida, will also be there with their son.)

I’m kind of bummed we didn’t also get to go to the White House seder, but that seems to be a much more exclusive affair for advisers and friends, and I have no real delusions that I’m on that list. Besides, our family spent last weekend on our own seder, so now it’s time for something on my spouse’s part of the faith spectrum. (Personally, I’m all for combining the holidays and having eight days of chocolate bunnies.)

The lovely folks at Residence Inn have offered to host us, and I’m hoping to have as good a time as I did with them in Boston. (Knowing that all rooms are suites so we can stay up with the light on after our son goes to bed is a wonderful thing.)

I’ll be tweeting and posting to Facebook about our trip, so please follow along if you’d like to hear about our adventures. If you’ll be there yourself, let me know!

Apparently, we can expect something like the below. I want to know who trains their dogs.

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