Pregnant LGBQ Women Wanted for Study on Postpartum Well-Being

pregnant_bellyOne of the social scientists I (and many others) cite most often when it comes to LGBQ parents and our kids is Dr. Abbie Goldberg of Clark University. She’s conducting a new study on postpartum well-being in sexual minority women, and is looking for pregnant women partnered with other women who live and/or work in Massachusetts. Please consider participating if you are one (or know one), and help spread the word regardless!

Dr. Goldberg writes:

We have had good success in recruiting women who we are calling “invisible sexual minority women”: LGBQ women who are partnered with men at the time that they become parents (and whose sexual minority identity is therefore “invisible.”) Surprisingly, we have had the most difficulty finding “visible sexual minority women”: LGBQ women who are partnered with women at the time that they become parents.

I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you can forward on the relevant information to persons or organizations who may be interested in either participating or assisting with recruitment. E.g., maybe you know LGBQ women who are pregnant, or maybe you know queer-friendly midwives, doulas, and other providers who might be able to help. Attached is a brochure about the study.

Essentially, I am looking for women who meet the following criteria:

  • Women who live and/or work in Massachusetts
  • 18 years or over
  • Currently partnered; we are particularly interested in women partnered with other women
  • Currently pregnant.
Please let me know if you have any questions at all, and thank you so much for your help and support! Women and/or providers can contact me directly with questions:
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