Here’s a bit of good news to start your week. Colorado lesbian moms Fran and Anna Simon, whom NPR called “the de facto face of the civil unions debate” back when the state was trying to pass civil unions, have now gotten married.
The Simons were kind enough last year to share the story of meeting pro basketball star Kenneth Faried of the Denver Nuggets, who has two moms and also worked to help pass civil unions. A Colorado judge last week, however, ruled that civil unions, rather than providing equality, are “further evidence of discrimination against same-sex couples.” Although he issued a stay on his ruling, that hasn’t stopped several clerks in the state from issuing marriage licenses to sames-sex couples. A state district court judge then ruled that the Boulder County clerk can ignore the stay — although he warned the marriages could still be invalid.
The Simons, who were the first same-sex couple to have a civil union in Denver, have now become the first to marry there. Here’s a wonderful video of their experience getting a license and marrying at the Denver County Clerk’s office, via the Denver Post. I love the “Jolly Rancher” moment at about 1:30 (and all the cuteness from the Simons’ seven-year-old son Jeremy, for that matter.)
Congratulations to them and to all of the couples now marrying in the Centennial State! We know you’re married, even if the legal system is still catching up.