The Homophone: A New Device for Communicating the Gay Agenda

homophoneA social-media specialist for a Utah-based English language learning center was fired after he wrote a blog post about homophones — words that sound the same but differ in meaning and often spelling — because the school owner thought it implied that the school was “associated with homosexuality.” Yes, a language school, which one might assume would be full of cunning linguists. (I’m guessing they don’t sell homogenized milk in the cafeteria there.) Lucky for us, however, a new electronics company has come out with the Homophone, a device specifically designed for communicating the Gay Agenda.

Want to share your marriage banns now that your state no longer bans them? Use the Homophone! Too tired to write about your right to a marriage rite and prefer to call a friend? The Homophone is your tool of choice! Traveling with your dyke sweetie and want to find the nearest dike? Use the built-in GPS! A video feature also lets you gaze upon the gays you speak with, and an auto-correct keeps straights from getting in dire straits by alerting them to terms that may be offensive to their LGBTQ friends. The Homophone is a good buy, whether you’re bi or somewhere else on the spectrum!

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