Watch: Videos from New Kids’ Album about Diverse Families

Watch a couple of fun clips from the upcoming children’s music album Dancin’ in the Kitchen: Songs for All Families, by two-time Grammy Award-winners Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer.

The first video below has snippets of many of the songs in the album, including the titular “Dancin’ in the Kitchen,” which starts us right off in a two-mom household.

The next video is for the song “Where Are My Soccer Shoes?” written by Sue Ennis, songwriter for the rock band Heart. It’s about a child with a divorced mom and dad who can’t remember at which parent’s home he left his soccer shoes — but who is otherwise managing life in two households. Other songs on the album celebrate single moms, stepparents, families with grandparents as guardians, families with siblings from around the world, a new child, spending time with a grandparent, being twins, and the canine members of our families.

For more about the album and Fink and Marxer, see my interview with them from a couple of weeks ago.

If you like the idea of an album full of songs celebrating different types of families, help them bring it to market by supporting their Kickstarter campaign.

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