Join Us Tuesday for a National Adoption Month Twitter Chat!

Twitter_logo_whiteIt’s National Adoption Month, and this Tuesday, HRC Foundation will host a Twitter chat focusing on the opportunities for the LGBT community to adopt children in the U.S. foster care system. I’m co-facilitating, and hope you’ll join us!

Ellen Kahn, director of HRC Foundation’s Children, Youth & Families Program, will take and answer questions about adoption, fostering, LGBT-friendly adoption agencies, and parenting. She’ll also discuss HRC’s All Children — All Families project, which promotes LGBT cultural competency among child welfare agencies. I’ll be co-facilitating with editor-in-chief of the terrific ELIXHER magazine and website, Kimberley McLeod.

Whether you’re already an adoptive parent, in the process of becoming one, or just considering it, please tweet with us Tuesday!

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