Texas Teen with Two Moms Speaks Out for Marriage Equality

Mason Marriott-VossTexas is not the most progressive of states, as most of us know. All the more reason, then, to admire 16-year-old Mason Marriott-Voss, who spoke recently about his two moms to a Freedom to Marry town hall at the LBJ Presidential Library in Austin.

Like Zach Wahls, whose speech to the Idaho House about his two moms went viral twice, Marriott-Voss is a member of his school’s debate team, and knows how to charm a crowd. He shared a bit about himself and his two siblings, and noted, “My parents are too busy helping us with finals to be eroding society.”

Later, he asserted, “We share the same values and beliefs as everyone else, the same normal struggles and triumphs, except that we are denied the basic dignity of being respected as the family that we are.

In other Texas news, legislators have filed bills that would allow adopted children to have both parents listed on their supplemental birth certificates, regardless of the parents’ genders.

Watch more videos for and by children of LGBTQ parents, as well as ones for and by us parents at the Mombian YouTube Channel.

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