Androgynous Maternity Clothing for Butches and Others

Butch BabyThree years ago, a reader asked, “Where can you find pregnant butch clothing?” and many of you offered your home-grown ideas. Now, one company hopes to fill this need, with “The first androgynous maternity line for queer individuals.”

Butchbaby & Co. was founded by Vanessa Newman after conversations with her best friend, another butch, about wanting to carry children but not knowing what they’d wear. Newman, who works full-time in digital strategy and communications, then found Michelle Janayea, a student in Fashion Design and Fashion Business at Columbia College Chicago, to help make their dream a reality.

The company now has the mission “to deliver the most comfortable, androgynous maternity wear to gender nonconforming individuals everywhere.” They explain on their website:

Pregnancy belongs to all those who can carry a child; regardless of sexual orientation or gender presentation. You can be butch, you can be stud, you can be non-gender conforming, you can be trans, you can be lesbian, you can be bisexual, you can be queer, you can be straight, and you still have a right to bear children…. You have a right to choose pregnancy and feel comfortable.

The duo hope to launch a seven-piece line that will include:

  • T-shirt
  • Oxford button-up
  • Flannel button-up
  • Pullover sweater
  • Signature jogger pants + jacket
  • Boxer brief underwear
  • Pregnancy bra

Alas, if you’re pregnant right now, you won’t be able to take advantage of their designs. They say they hope to have prototypes by late summer/early fall 2015, when they launch their crowdfunding campaign, and a beta line out by late fall/early winter 2015. Plan your inseminations accordingly!

For one woman’s experience being pregnant and butch, check out A. K. Summers’ graphic memoir, Pregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag (which I reviewed here), and catch more butch parents in action at Butches and Babies.

(Thanks to Jamie Hagen for the tip!)

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1 thought on “Androgynous Maternity Clothing for Butches and Others”

  1. This is fantastic! So proud of these ladies for starting this business. It’s about time. I know I personally I’m not interested in wearing most if the maternity wear on the market. I’m looking forward to seeing their creations. Thanks for sharing this story! I’m going to pass it on.

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