A Mother’s Journey as “Reluctant Outlier”

speech_bubbleHere’s a great read to start your week. Alysia Abbott writes about how raising her son, who is autistic, relates to her experience growing up with her gay dad and being part of “an outlier community” in both cases.

In “My Life as a Reluctant Outlier,” in Dame magazine, Abbott tells us:

When my son was diagnosed with autism and persistent developmental delays, I was again faced with the dilemma of belonging to an outlier community I didn’t really choose. But this time I didn’t have the luxury of passing, or planning to come out when I felt ready. I couldn’t hide behind my ignorance and immaturity. I was Finn’s parent, his mother, the one supposedly “in control,” the one who should love him more than anyone else.

Go read the rest of this self-reflective piece about her journey since that time. It’s a wonderful exploration of identity and parenting.

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