Help Create Guide for Kids Born Through Assisted Reproductive Technologies

colage_100Help COLAGE, the national organization for those with LGBTQ parents, create a guide for youth and young adults born through assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

COLAGE is asking children of LGBQ parents to complete a confidential survey to help them prepare the informational guide. They explain on their website:

It will include conversations addressing different experiences youth face when talking about their method of conception and other things that come up when talking to peers and in their communities. This survey focuses on LGB families and we will have another survey that focuses specifically on families with trans and gender queer parents.

The finished guide will be available on the COLAGE website in electronic format and will be inclusive of all ART methods that LGBTQ families are using to create families.

COLAGE has already produced several similar guides, including a Kids of Trans Guide and a Donor Insemination Guide, as well as a number of other great resources. Even though they’re aimed at children of LGBTQ parents, I’ve found them useful myself, as a way of better understanding what questions my son might have or the types of challenges he may encounter.

I hope you’ll take the survey yourself if you qualify, or pass the link along to someone who does!

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