Attend an Online Concert Celebrating Diverse Families

Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer. Photo credit: Sarah R. Coats
Marcy Marxer and Cathy Fink. Photo credit: Sarah R. Coats

Two-time Grammy Award-winning duo Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer are releasing a great new children’s album all about diverse families. They’re also holding a live online concert tomorrowthat we all can attend!

Dancin’ in the Kitchen is a warm and funny collection that will make you realize just how good—and how inclusive—children’s music can be. Here’s my full review and interview with Cathy and Marcy. Their online concert is next Tuesday, March 10 (the album release date), with showings at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. EDT.

If you’d like to attend, hop on over to Concert Window to purchase a ticket. It works on a “pay what you want” tip system, so it can be free if you like, but the more you pay, the more of their CDs they’ll send you as a reward (Dancin’ in the Kitchen and others). Those who tip $100 will even get a 15-minute private Skype concert!

Don’t miss this chance to watch two great musicians celebrating many kinds of families.

I am a member of the Amazon Associates program, and get a small referral fee from all purchases made at via links on this site. (That includes the album link above, but not the concert tips, for which I get nothing.) You are under no obligation to purchase through them.

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