Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day is coming up on Monday, June 1—and I’m very excited to announce some great giveaways as part of the event’s 10th anniversary celebration.
The giveaways will include:
- A copy of the new, revised, 25th anniversary edition of Heather Has Two Mommies
, autographed by author Lesléa Newman;
- The toe-tapping new children’s CD Dancin’ In The Kitchen: Songs For All Families
, by Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer (courtesy of HRC’s Family Project);
- The new, 2nd edition of The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health;
- And a few other goodies I’m still nailing down.
I’ll post final details about the giveaways on Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day, but here’s the short version: After the event, I’ll randomly pick participants, one for each item I have to give away. To be eligible, you must leave a valid e-mail address (which will not be shared or sold) when you submit your post, or have a way I can contact you via your blog. Anyone can participate in Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day, but only residents of U.S. and Canada can receive giveaways.
Please help spread the word about the event to friends, family, colleagues, and anyone else you know who might be interested! The more who participate, the more perspectives we’ll share, and the more visibility we’ll gain for our families.
Wondering how to help?
- How can I help spread the word? Post on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, and other social media locations now to let people know the event is coming up. E-mail your friends (but don’t spam people).
- If you want to use the image: Right click the image in this post (Mac users: click and hold) and choose “Download image,” “Save image as…” or “Save picture as….” Follow the prompts in the dialogue box to save to your computer. Feel free to resize as long as the lettering is still readable.
- Upload to your blog or Facebook as you would any image.
- Link the image to if you can.
- Can you give me an easy message of < 140 characters for Twitter? Join me on Blogging for #LGBTQFamilies Day 6/1 & post in celebration of LGBTQ families! All welcome! Pls RT!
- May non-LGBTQ people participate? Of course! Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day is meant to bring together bloggers who are LGBTQ as well as our families and allies. It’s a celebration of LGBTQ families whether you’re part of one, know one, or just want to support them.
- How do you define “family”? However you want. That’s the whole point!
- What do I have to post about? Anything in celebration and support of LGBTQ families. It could be a personal anecdote, political commentary, media review, satire, poem, photo, or video, among other things.
- My blog isn’t about LGBTQ families. How can that work? If you don’t usually post about LGBTQ families, feel free to tie in your normal topics, e.g., if you’re a food blogger, you could write about having dinner (real or imagined) with the lesbian moms down the street.
- I’ll be out of town on June 1. May I submit early? Yes, please! The form is here. I won’t post the list of submissions until June 1 (and I’ll keep updating it all day), but if you get your post in early, it will be among the first to be seen.
- I have a great post on LGBTQ families that I wrote a while back. May I submit it, or do I have to write a new one? Already-written ones are fine, although I discourage you from submitting the same one you’ve submitted to this event in a previous year.
- I have a great new book/product/service for LGBTQ families. May I submit a post about it? I discourage purely commercial posts. If you want to post more broadly about what motivates you to support LGBTQ families, that’s fine, but please refrain from making a product pitch.
- Where do I submit the link to my post? Right here.
- I don’t have a blog. How can I participate? Several ways:
- Post on your Facebook page and mark the post “Public.” (Here’s how.)
- Write at a group blog or community you belong to (or join one, like BlogHer).
- Make a video and upload it to your YouTube channel.
- Ask a local or national LGBTQ, parenting, or faith organization (among others) if you can submit a post to their blog. (Look at their staff list and find who’s in charge of their online stuff or their general communications, and ask nicely.)
- Leave your post as a comment on the master post here on June 1.
- Tweet about the event using the hashtag #LGBTQfamilies.
I’m looking forward to reading and sharing your posts!