80+ Posts in Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day: Thank You!

Blogging for LGBTQ Families DayOver 80 posts were submitted to this year’s milestone 10th Annual Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day. Thank you! Miss it? I’ll still accept late posts for a few days (though you must get them in by 11:59 p.m. ET 6/2/15, to be eligible for a chance at the giveaways).

I am once again blown away by both the similarities and the differences in our experiences of being an LGBTQ parent, parenting an LGBTQ child, or being an ally. Thanks to all of you who have shared your stories—some of you who do so every day, and others for whom this is a rare occurrence. I hope you’ll spend some time reading through others’ posts on the master list. and leaving comments on their blogs. As always, I’ll be doing the same, and offering some suggested pairings/groupings of posts that tackle similar or complementary themes.

Thanks also to the organizations, companies, and individuals who have helped promote the event and provide giveaways, listed below.

To submit a post, complete the form at the end of this post. Older posts are welcome, too. If you don’t have a blog of your own, make a public Facebook post, upload to a video- or photo-sharing site and submit the link, or leave your contribution in a comment on this post. You can also tweet in support of LGBTQ families with the hashtag #LGBTQfamilies.

Leave an e-mail address (not to be shared or sold) or make sure I can contact you through your blog if you want a chance to be selected for one of the goodies I’ll be giving away to random participants in celebration of our 10th year. (Full giveaway rules and details are here.) Giveaway items are:

  • A copy of the new, revised, 25th anniversary edition of Heather Has Two Mommies, autographed by author Lesléa Newman;
  • A $150 Residence Inn gift card courtesy of Residence Inn by Marriott;
  • Five copies (one to each of five participants) of the new children’s CD Dancin’ In The Kitchen: Songs For All Families, by Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer, courtesy of the HRC Foundation’s Children, Youth & Families Program and Welcoming Schools project;
  • Another great new kids’ CD, about gender diversity: Rainbow Train, by Chana Rothman, courtesy of the artist and her publicist;
  • The new, 2nd edition of The Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health, courtesy of Fenway Health;
  • Five sticker and magnet sets (one to each of five participants) from GLAAD’sGot Your Back” campaign, which encourages LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ folks to stand up as allies for those with identities different than their own.

Thanks to all of the above individuals and organizations, and to Family Equality Council and Our Family Coalition for helping to support and promote this event—and thanks to all of you for participating!

Please allow some time between submitting a post and its appearance in the list below. I will be updating the list as fast as possible, but new posts may not appear immediately.

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