Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2016: Master List of Posts

2016familyday300It’s Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day! Here is the master list of contributed posts, which I will keep updated throughout the day. Please come back to check for new additions you haven’t read! Thanks to all of you for participating!

Update, Thursday morning, 6/2: I will still accept posts for a day or so, because I realize that sometimes being with our families takes priority over blogging about our families, and posts don’t get written in time. (Not to mention the whole time zone business.) Just submit the links below. Thanks to all of you who have participated, both first-timers and old hands! It’s always an honor to read your stories.

To submit a post, complete the form at the end of this post. Older posts are welcome, too. If you don’t have a blog of your own, make a public Facebook post, upload to a video- or photo-sharing site and submit the link, or leave your contribution in a comment on this post. You can also tweet in support of LGBTQ families with the hashtag #LGBTQfamilies. I’ll also be posting links over at the Mombian Facebook page all day, so you can follow the fun there if that’s how you roll. Please encourage all your friends, LGBTQ, their families, and allies, to participate!

Thanks to all of the above individuals and organizations, and to GLAADFamily Equality Council, and HRC for helping to support and promote this event—and thanks to all of you for participating!

Please allow some time between submitting a post and its appearance in the list below. I will be updating the list as fast as possible, but new posts may not appear immediately.

Your contributed posts, in chronological order of submission, are below.

  1. Facebook My LGBTQ family
  2. The New American Family Mother’s Day-The way it’s supposed to be.
  3. The New American Family The Other Mother and Me
  4. Life in jeans When Co-Parenting Feels More Like a Life Sentence
  5. Life in jeans LGBT Divorce Shatters What Children Know About Family
  6. The Other Hubby Being A Guncle Changed My Life
  7. Blah Blah Blog Easier said than done.
  8. Goodnight Already Explaining Donald Trump to My Son
  9. Love. It’s What Makes a Family
  10. Good Food Force Update: LGBTQ Bloggers You Should Know
  11. Gay Family Values
  12. Mamá Una Historia Personal: Alimentación Más Derechos de los Estudiantes Inmigrantes
  13. Circle Surrogacy Blog VIDEO: Redefining the Modern Family with Surrogacy
  14. Doorknobs That Lock Raised by wolves
  15. Sally Around The Bay A Walk Down Memory Lane – Blogging for LGBTQ Families
  16. Sally Around The Bay Parenting… The Next Generation
  17. A History Lesson
  18. Woodhull Freedom Foundation Blog Blogging for LGBT Families Day
  19. Super Inky! Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day
  20. Welcoming Schools Resources For Elementary School LGBTQ-Inclusion
  21. Welcoming Schools Diverse Families on Mother’s and Father’s Days
  22. Welcoming Schools Embracing Family Diversity
  23. Susan Hope Berland Today Starts Pride Month!
  24. Love Matters Lesa did you know…
  25. Role Reboot Why My Son Doesn’t Need A Father
  26. The Scratches and Ruffles of Lady Namaste Mommy Was A Stripper
  27. The Scratches and Ruffles of Lady Namaste The Perfect Little Girl
  28. Philadelphia Family Pride Building Community As LGBTQ Families
  29. How I Got From There to Here A Letter
  30. Book Happenings Ezra Jack Keats New Writer Honor Acceptance Speech for A Crow of His Own
  31. Book Happenings Reflections on the Children’s Book Fest at USM (via A Blog Post about Blog Posts)
  32. Published on How I Kept My Birth Name Without Losing My Mind (Mostly)
  33. Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents #AMPLIFY LGBTQ Families, 29 Parents Share Their Stories
  34. Gad About the Globe Running From, Running To: How I Came to Travel
  35. The Handsome Father What’s in a Name?
  36. Coffee, Clutter and Chaos Families: More the same than different
  37. My Two Mums Will the question come?
  38. Jon Hoadley (political page) Family is Changing, again
  39. Huffington Post Queer Voices Supporting Incarcerated LGBT Parents
  40. SafariDad As Long As They’re Healthy…
  41. GLAAD An open letter to my dad from his gay son; love and support within #LGBTQfamilies
  42. HRC HRC Honors Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day
  43. Queerspawn in Love: Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2016
  44. Designer Daddy What’s Mother’s Day Like for a Kid with No Mom?
  45. GLAAD I dreamed a dream: Finding my LGBT family thicker than blood
  46. GLAAD Navigating life and growing up with two moms
  47. GLAAD Parents Learning to Support their LGBT Children
  48. The Handsome Father Do Genetics Matter?
  49. Donor Egg Bank USA Are All Our Eggs Still in One Basket?
  50. The Handsome Father 5 Things This New Gay Dad Was Not Prepared For
  51. The Handsome Father (In)visible Dads
  52. Fenway Focus Focusing On The Health Of LGBT Families
  53. Posts below here are new as of 9:1o p.m. mygiftedlife What does it mean to be a family
  54. Reflections of a Gay Christian Faith and Family- Coming Out pt.1
  55. Adventurous Moms The Donor Talk: When Kids Have a Sperm Donor
  56. SafariDad Time To Go Shopping!

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