Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2017: Master List of Posts

Blogging for LGBTQ Families DayIt’s Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day! Here is the master list of contributed posts, which I will keep updating throughout the day. Please come back to check for new additions you haven’t read! Thanks to all of you for participating!

To submit a post, complete the form at the end of this post. Older posts are welcome, too, as long as you haven’t submitted them for a previous year of this event. You’re welcome to submit two or three posts if you really just can’t choose; please refrain from posting your entire archive if you post frequently about LGBTQ families.

If you don’t have a blog of your own, make a public Facebook post, upload to a video- or photo-sharing site and submit the link, or leave your contribution in a comment on this post. You can also tweet in support of LGBTQ families with the hashtag #LGBTQfamilies. Please encourage all your friends, LGBTQ, their families, and allies, to participate!

Thanks to GLAAD, Family Equality Council, and HRC for being key supporters of this event; also to PFLAG and COLAGE for helping to get the word out. Mostly, though, thanks to all of the individuals who took the time to write posts and share their thoughts and stories. You enrich and strengthen us all.

Please allow some time between submitting a post and its appearance in the list below. I will be updating the list as fast as possible, but new posts may not appear immediately.

Your contributed posts, in chronological order of submission, are below.

    1. Working Life 2016 Why Don’t I Have a Dad?
    2. Working Life 2016 To the men who gave us a family
    3. COLAGE Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself
    4. COLAGE A Queer-Raised Teacher
    5. COLAGE My Father, Jessica
    6. The New American Family — A Modern Twist of the American Family. Traditional Family Values-Gay Edition
    7. Sally Around The Bay When We Forget
    8. QParent The Only Not-for-Profit Sperm Bank in the US
    9. @Vermont Let’s talk about… Gender – Part I
    10. Good Families Do How I Became a Lesbian Single Mom by Choice
    11. Barf Bags Not Included Coming out again (and again)
    12. @Vermont A Story from the Past
    13. Reaching Across the Uterus
    14. Kimmie Fink Consulting What 5 Seconds of ‘This Is Us’ Confirmed for Me About Diversity Education
    15. ELIXHER Our Family: Faith Cheltenham and Matt Kanninen
    16. Barf Bags Not Included Two Is Enough
    17. Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents #AMPLIFY LGBTQ Families, 40 Parents Share Their Experiences
    18. Book Happenings Necessary Lesbians and Gay Famers: Rejecting the Mythical Norm in Children’s Literature
    19. The Family Room Foster Care Story: Our Family is Made With Love!
    20. The Family Room Foster Care Story: Worth Every Minute
    21. The Family Room Unspoken Connection: the Joy of Finding Donor Siblings
    22. The Family Room Speaking Out for Transgender Rights: Now is Not Time to Give Up The Fight
    23. UK Yankee Guest Post: The Reasons I Have Loved Raising Gay Sons
    24. Living Hypothetically Road Work Ahead
    25. Life with Beanster & Moi Mama & Beanster day
    26. Susan Hope Berland A tip for parents of a transgender child
    27. Two stories from Germany
    28. Welcoming Schools Four Vital Elements Needed to Create a Welcoming School
    29. Welcoming Schools Resources for Embracing Family Diversity in Elementary School
    30. Welcoming Schools Mother’s Day Reflections: How Motherhood Has Made Me A Fierce Advocate For Equality
    31. Love and Hope Persists
    32. Adventurous Moms The Rolling Tide of LGBTQ Rights: Parenting with Uncertainty
    33. Our Family Matters Fostering Fathers
    34. SafariDad Um, You’re Welcome?
    35. My life as adult Queerspawn
    36. Marathon mom Rainbows
    37. Marathon Mom Teaching love
    38. Natalie Perry Author Sneak Peek-Dad #1, Dad #2: A Queerspawn View from the Closet
    39. Good Families Do Poem
    40. Raising My Rainbow If People Think I’m A Lady, Just Let Them
    41. Marathon Mom Discovering myself
    42. Roger Sinasohn, Facebook Why Do We Have Sex?
    43. Movement Advancement Project (at HuffPo) LGBT Families at Risk in New Budget
    44. sugar on snow Planned Parenthood
    45. Being Raised By Lesbians
    46. The GLAD Blog A Sense of Security for Our Families
    47. Laurie Frankel, Author Happy Ho-Hum Families Day
    48. Serendipitydodah Not Enough
    49. Serendipitydodah Mama Bear Story Project #15 – Meredith Webster Indermaur
    50. Love Matters Love Matters Now More Than Ever
    51. TransEvangelical Mom Switching Teams
    52. HRC HRC Recognizes Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day
    53. Marathon Mom Another year on this earth
    54. You’re Fine With It, Right?
    55. Donor Egg Bank USA Blog Donor Eggs: Opening More Doors to Parenthood for Same-Sex Couples
    56. The Longest Shortest Time #125 The Accidental Gay Parents, 5
    57. Roger Sinasohn, Facebook LGBBQ
    58. My Two Mums The visibility we desire
    59. Ringleader of Magic Vacationing as a Family of Two
    60. two dolla celebrating the day previously known as blogging for #LGBTQ families
    61. GLAAD 12th Annual Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day
    62. My Gifted Life The LGBT contagion?
    63. Designer Daddy On Being Seven

7 thoughts on “Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2017: Master List of Posts”

  1. Thank you for this! When I was first coming out, I really struggled to find someone going through something similar. I love that you are sharing LGBTQ blog posts with others!

  2. Like all parents, LGBTQ parents want nothing more than to protect our children from harm, keep them safe, and make them happy. And if we’re honest even the most confident of us struggle at times with our identity. When you add children to the mix, our insecurities and fear of judgement can easily be passed on to them.

    As a couple, my wife and I try very hard not to inadvertently “push” our preconceived assumptions of judgement on to our children. And it takes both of us, at different times, giving one another a pep talk. All we have to say is, “If you’re uncomfortable, they’ll be uncomfortable. And we don’t want our kids to be uncomfortable, right?” That’s all it takes. And we pull up our big girl panties and do what we have to do.

    I’ll give you an example.

    Our daughter had gone to school with my wife for 2 years. At one point during the year, her class was having some event that she wanted me to come to. (She was in kindergarten at the time.) Of course I said yes! My wife, however, was nervous.
         “What are you going to say when people ask you who you are?”
         “But everyone knows me as her mom. What if they ask more questions?”
         Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Not their business.” Pep talk time… “If you’re weird about it, our daughter is going to be weird about it, and that’s not what we want. Relax.”

    So, my daughter and I walk in to her classroom and, of course, this little girl comes right up to me and says, “Who are YOU?” (Gotta love kids!) Anyway, I told her that I am her mom. So, she looked at my daughter and said, “I thought that the principal was your mom?” My daughter, not even skipping a beat, said, “She is! This is my other mom.”
         “Your stepmom?”
         “What’s a stepmom?,” she asked.
         “I don’t know. Like not your real mom,” the little girl says.
         “No. They’re both my real moms.”
    And we go play. Never brought up again.

    She is going in to 5th grade now and our son is going in to 3rd. There have been several other “situations” for us (as adults) that have not even been a second thought for our children. This makes me happy, and it gives me hope for the upcoming generation. We all must do our part, though (LGBTQ families included), of not passing on our experiences of hate and discrimination, so that we can move forward together in love and unity and acceptance.

  3. So many entries! I’m about 1/3 of the way through reading them and it’s been a lot of fun to have glimpes into other families.

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