Wishing peace, strength, and perseverance to all who are gathering today to speak out for gun control and to end gun violence in our schools—especially the young people who are leading us where we should have gone long ago.
The March for Our Lives is taking place in more than 800 locations across the country. Whether you are marching today or there in spirit, here are a few readings to inspire you to future action:
- “Parkland Student Emma González Opens Up About Her Fight for Gun Control“: The 18-year-old, Cuban, bisexual student and Parkland shooting survivor writes some very smart things at Harper’s Bazaar that we adults need to listen to.
- “Emma González on Why This Generation Needs Gun Control“: She writes more smart things to her peers in Teen Vogue.
- “Florida school shooting survivor David Hogg urges others to ‘use white privilege’ to ensure gun violence in ‘black community’ is heard“: Her White classmate David Hogg smartly reminds us that racism is a part of gun violence and our country’s response to it, and it is up to White people to make a difference.
- And Lincoln Anthony Blades at Teen Vogue reminds us that “Black Teens Have Been Fighting for Gun Reform for Years,” although they have not gained the media coverage or mass support of the mostly White Parkland students.
Dismantling racism must go hand-in-hand with addressing gun violence in our country. Neither has a simple or single-action solution. May today’s marches inspire us to keep moving forward, however.
And don’t forget to vote and contact your elected officials to tell them you support gun control laws and protecting our children’s lives.