Action Alert: Less Than Two Days Left to Tell HHS Not to Implement Discrimination Rule

StethoscopeThere are less than two days left to tell the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) why you oppose a new rule that will allow health care providers to refuse a wide range of medical services to patients if furnishing them violates the providers’ religious or moral beliefs. The new rule “weaponizes” HHS’ Office of Civil Rights against LGBTQ people, people living with HIV, and many others, says Lambda Legal. Here’s how to add your voice in opposition to it.

The rule was established in January, and a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division was created within the HHS Office for Civil Rights to enforce it. By federal law, however, the rule must undergo a public comment period, which runs through 11:59 p.m. ET, March 27, 2018. Visit Family Equality’s website to fill out a simple form telling HHS why you oppose the new rule. Include your own story or use their sample message, and your comment will be submitted to HHS (and may also be shared online or used by Family Equality in their advocacy work). Alternatively, visit to contribute your comments directly to HHS.

This rule is only one of several actions anti-LGBTQ HHS has taken recently, such as a delay in collection of foster care and adoption data, including data related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and the removal of information on lesbian and bisexual women’s health from its Office of Women’s Health website.

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