Action Alert: Call Your Senators Today About Opposing Adoption/Foster Care Discrimination Bill!

No License to DiscriminateThis one’s timely, folks: If you have a senator who is a Democrat, or if they are Republican Senators Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), or Rob Portman (Ohio), use the handy script here to call them today and ask them to sign on to a letter opposing the bill that would allow discrimination in adoption and foster care against LGBTQ prospective parents, LGBTQ youth in care, single or divorced parents, interfaith couples, or people of different religions.

The information and script below come from Julie Kruse, Federal Policy Advocate at Family Equality Council.


A house committee has passed an amendment allowing taxpayer-funded adoption and foster care agencies to discriminate against qualified parents who are LGBTQ, single, or of a faith different from the agency’s. This hurts the 400,000 children in foster care waiting for loving foster and adoptive families. AND, it allows discrimination against and service denials to children—based on the religion of the service provider, NOT on the needs of the child!


Please CALL Your Senators Now — if they are Democrats, or if they are the following Republicans:  Sen. Collins (Maine), Murkowski (Alaska), or Portman (Ohio).

This call script is a little different than usual.  Please ask for the child welfare or appropriations staffer, and speak directly to them using the script.  You may need to leave a voicemail. Remember to provide your name, town, and phone number, and ask them to call you back with an answer.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senators and ask what party they are from. If they are a Democrat, or Senators Collins, Murkowski, or Portman, ask to be put through to their office. If you have two Democratic Senators, call them both!

Call script

You: Hi! I am a constituent from [town]. May I speak to the Senator’s child welfare staffer?

Office: She is not available.

You: Then may I speak to the Senator’s appropriations staffer?

Office: What is this call regarding?

You: I am calling about opposing discrimination in the Labor-HHS appropriations bill.

Office:  I’ll put you through now.

Staffer:  Hello?

You:  Hi, I am a constituent from [town]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to sign on to the Wyden “no discrimination in appropriations” letter to OPPOSE discrimination in foster care and adoption. An amendment allowing foster care and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ, single, and religious minority children and parents was added to the House appropriations bill. Wyden is asking Senators to sign on to a letter opposing this in the Senate. We really need to get 41 Senators to sign on to the letter.

Staffer: Thanks for reaching out. We’ll look into it.

You: I would greatly appreciate the Senator signing on. (GIVE YOUR REASON OR PERSONAL STORY ABOUT WHY YOU CARE ABOUT THIS).

Staffer: Ok, we’ll look into it.  Thanks for the information.

You: Could you give me a call when the Senator decides whether or not to sign the letter? My number is ______________. Thanks very much for your time.

If you are told your Senator has already signed on to the letter, please thank them!


I am calling to urge the Senator to sign on to the Wyden “no discrimination in appropriations” letter to OPPOSE discrimination in foster care and adoption. An amendment allowing foster care and adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ, single, and religious minority children and parents was added to the House Labor-HHS appropriations bill. Wyden is asking Senators to sign on to a letter opposing including this amendment in the Senate. We really need to get 41 Senators to sign on to the letter. Please return this call at [your number].

For more information on the #NoAdoptionDiscrimination campaign, an alliance of dozens of LGBTQ, child welfare, faith, and allied organizations, go to

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